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Part-Time Hifz

Class Time

Six days a week
Daily three - four hours

Morning: 6:00-7:30 am (online)
Evening: 6:00 -8:15 pm (in-person)


About the Course

Part-time Hifz program is ideal for those who:
Like to memorize the entire Quran at a moderate pace while actively enrolled in public school.
Like to memorize some of the essential portions of the Quran.
Like to join full-time Hifz in the future (we will conduct an assessment to ensure the student's readiness for full-time enrollment in Hifz and the homeschooling program).
Part-Time Hifz program is a combination of three (3) things:
Hifz (Quran Memorization)
Tajweed (The science of Quran recitation)
Islamic studies
This program is designed for a student to spend three - three and one-half (3 - 3.5) hours daily under the guidance of a qualified teacher.
Students should attend Hifz class every day in two (2) sessions:
Online: Early morning 1.5 hours (6 - 7:30 am )
In-person: Evening two (2) hours 6-8 pm
A highly qualified teacher allotted to every two students during the online Hifz session.
Students will also learn the fundamentals of their religion to display close attachment with their Deen.

Your Instructor

Ashley Amerson

Ashley Amerson

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